November 4-5 & December 2-3, 2023 (both two-day weekends)
Instructor: Becky Smith
This class focuses on the energy dynamics of the Five Phase cycle (using the elements Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood). You will learn to recognize how the Five Phases manifest in health and illness, and how to use points on the twelve organ meridians to keep the cycle moving smoothly in body, mind and spirit. New organ meridian points are introduced.
CEs: 30 PREREQUISITES: Basic and Intermediate JSD or equivalent.
TIMES: 9am-5:30pm (one hour lunch)
COST: $600 ($550 if paid in full by Oct 19)
DEPOSIT: $150 non-refundable deposit due by Oct 19.
SEND DEPOSITS to: 2914 Adams St, Eugene, OR 97405
CLASS LOCATION: Becky Smith’s office – 2914 Adams St., Eugene, OR 97405
INFO: (541) 345-7189