Continuing Education Classes
Jin Shin Do® Bodymind Acupressure® Intensive at Breitenbush Hot Springs

Basic Jin Shin Do®
May 3-5 and June 7-9, 2024 (class includes six 7-hour days)
Instructor: Becky Smith
In 40 hours, you will learn:
- How to assess your clients’ individual needs by looking, listening and palpating for areas of tension.
- How to balance your clients’ energies with simple acu-point patterns which release chronic tension that can lead to stress-related symptoms like headaches, backaches, digestive and sleep problems and fatigue.
- How to relate mindfully with clients to promote bodymind awareness and help them connect with their core vitality.
CEs: 40 (NCBTMB approved. Includes 4 CEs OBMT Ethics & Communications.)
TIMES: Fridays – Sundays: 9am – 5pm
COST: $825 ($775 if paid in full by April 19, 2024. Add fee for credit card.)
DEPOSIT: $200 non-refundable deposit due by April 19, 2024.
Click Here to Register
Jin Shin Do® Study Group/Review Class
Ongoing-please call Becky if interested
Instructor: Becky Smith
Get together with Becky and other JSD students to review Basic/Intermediate/Advanced concepts and points, ask client questions, participate in group assessments, and give and receive supervised practice sessions.
Student testimonial:
“I have been going to Becky’s JSD study groups for a couple of years. It is wonderful that she gives JSD students a regular opportunity to get together, share issues, and do a session together. I like meeting other students and have been able to get together with some of them to practice outside of the study groups. The study groups give us an opportunity to be supervised in practicing pulses, selecting meridians to work on, point location, and supporting emotional release. It is invaluable to work closely with a skilled therapist, especially one like Becky who is gentle, enthusiastic, and focused. Thank you. – Karen Lawrence, LMT
TIME: 6-8:30pm
COST: $45 each
LOCATION: Becky’s office- 2914 Adams St, Eugene, OR 97405
Register for the study group
Communication and Ethics: Creating Healthy Boundaries with Clients
TBD 2024
Instructor: Becky Smith
Through experiential exercises, discussion and practice, we will explore therapeutic attitudes and boundary-setting, as well as how to relate clearly and compassionately with our clients especially when transference, counter-transference and dual relationship issues arise.
Learn how to create a supportive peer supervision group. Handouts provided.
CEs: 4
TIMES: 1- 5 pm
COST: $80 (full amount due by October 19th)
LOCATION: 2914 Adams St., Eugene, OR
Click Here to Register

Intermediate Jin Shin Do®
July 14-17 and October 6-9, 2023 (Class includes both 3.5 day weekends)
Instructor: Becky Smith
In 55 hours, you will learn:
• the twelve meridian networks of Chinese medicine and acupuncture theory
• the location, function and psycho-spiritual-physical associations of each meridian
• 60 additional acupressure points, including source, luo and shu points
• balancing release patterns for each meridian
• further assessment of the pulses, tongue, physiognomy and palpation
• bodymind focusing methods
• more qigong to strengthen the practitioner’s energy
TIMES: Fri-Sun: 9am-6pm and Mon: 9am-1pm
COST: $1100 ($1050 if paid in full June 30)
DEPOSIT: $250 non-refundable deposit due June 30
Click Here to Register
Fundamentals of Self-Acupressure
Friday evening, September 22 & Saturday, September 23, 2023
Instructors: Becky Smith and Liz Cooley
Treat yourself to learning an enjoyable 25 point self-acupressure treatment to do on yourself or share with others. You will also learn a hara breathing meditation, centering release to help calm and relax, and an additional 10 points for aiding headaches, backaches, digestive issues and menstrual discomfort.
CEs: 10.5 (NCBTMB Approved)
TIME: Friday eve 6-8:30pm and Saturday 9 am – 6 pm
COST: $195 (Full amount due by September 9)
Click here to register
Advanced Jin Shin Do®
November 4-5 & December 2-3, 2023 (both two-day weekends)
Instructor: Becky Smith
This class focuses on the energy dynamics of the Five Phase cycle (using the elements Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood). You will learn to recognize how the Five Phases manifest in health and illness, and how to use points on the twelve organ meridians to keep the cycle moving smoothly in body, mind and spirit. New organ meridian points are introduced.
CEs: 30 PREREQUISITES: Basic and Intermediate JSD or equivalent.
TIMES: 9am-5:30pm (one hour lunch)
COST: $600 ($550 if paid in full by Oct 19)
DEPOSIT: $150 non-refundable deposit due by Oct 19.
SEND DEPOSITS to: 2914 Adams St, Eugene, OR 97405
CLASS LOCATION: Becky Smith’s office – 2914 Adams St., Eugene, OR 97405
INFO: (541) 345-7189
Click here to register
Jin Shin Do® Acupressure Facial
Saturday, TBD 2024
Instructor: Becky Smith
Increase your clients’ health and vitality. Learn a deeply relaxing 12-step, 40-point acupressure facial (plus ten vital hand points) to release head, neck, and face tension and aid general circulation of energy throughout the entire body. Learn shortcuts tailored to your clients’ needs. LMTs in private practice and those working in a spa setting will benefit, as will estheticians and hair stylists.This one-day workshop is a good introduction to Jin Shin Do.
CEs: 8 PREREQUISITES: Open to all
TIME: 9am-6pm
COST: $160
DEPOSIT: Full amount due Feb 25.
Click Here to Register
Couples Massage Playshop
Instructor: Becky Smith
Treat your friend or partner to a delightful afternoon of learning massage techniques to relax the back, shoulders, neck, head and feet. Explore giving and receiving sensitive touch in a safe and comfortable environment. Proper body mechanics emphasized.
Open to all
CEs: 5 hrs
COST: $125 per couple
To request this class, contact Becky Smith, LMT.
Instructor: Becky Smith
Learn the art of Japanese yang style massage, applying thumb, finger and palm pressure along the meridian pathways to help balance energy. Learn relaxing yet energizing choreographed forms for the back and front of the body with the client fully clothed. Also learn Do-in self-massage and stretches.
CEs: 14
COST: $280
To request this class, contact Becky Smith, LMT.
Acupressure for the Winter Months
Instructor: Becky Smith
Learn acupressure points to help relax neck and shoulder tension, aid sinus congestion, cold and flu recovery, and general immune boosting.
CEs: 3
COST: $50
To request this class, contact Becky Smith, LMT.
Acupressure and Massage
“Thank you! That was such a great class! My body is still releasing and I have zero tension on my hamstrings. I can’t wait to integrate the curriculum into my practice.” – Rachel Klemmer, LMT
Instructor: Becky Smith
Using Jin Shin Do® and shiatsu acupressure techniques, you will learn how to integrate key acupoints into your massage/bodywork practice to effectively and pleasurably release neck, shoulder, back, chest, abdominal, hip, leg and arm tension. Learn how to unwind points.
CEs: 8
COST: $130
To request this class, contact Becky Smith, LMT.
About Jin Shin Do®
150 hour Module I program
NCBTMB Approved Continuing Education Classes
“Jin Shin Do” means “The Way of the Compassionate Spirit.” Jin Shin Do® Bodymind Acupressure® uses gentle yet deep finger pressure on specific acu-points and verbal Body Focusing techniques, to help release “armoring” or chronic tension, balance the “Qi” or energy, and improve vitality. This clothes-on method helps to relieve stress- and trauma-related problems.
A unique synthesis of a traditional Japanese acupressure technique, classic Chinese acu-theory,Taoist philosophy, Qigong (breathing and exercise techniques), Reichian segmental theory and principles of Ericksonian psychotherapy, Jin Shin Do® is recognized as a major form of Asian Bodywork Therapy. Originated by psychotherapist Iona Marsaa Teeguarden, Jin Shin Do® acupressure promotes a pleasant, trancelike state, in which one can relax, explore, ease tensions and move out of the head and into the body, accessing feelings, inner wisdom, and one’s creative and self-healing potential.
Jin Shin Do can easily be integrated into your healing practice, and is appropriate to use with diverse populations in varied settings, such as with athletes, the elderly, children, and onsite in offices, hospitals or chair massage events, at home or anywhere.
Class format involves short lecture, experiential exercises, demonstrations and supervised practice.
Note: Classes may be repeated for half the fee with the exception of the Breitenbush Retreat.
Jin Shin Do® Bodymind Acupressure® is not intended for the diagnosis, treatment or cure of disease. It is a relaxation therapy, and a useful adjunct to licensed, qualified medical or psychological care. For any persistent pain or symptom, even a seemingly minor one, the reader is strongly encouraged to consult a medical doctor. When used in conjunction with standard medical treatment, the Jin Shin Do® Acupressure technique can assist the healing process by releasing tension, decreasing stress and encouraging a sense of increased well-being.